In Budapest most of the balconies are unused, the building facades and window sills are blank and bare. Turning them into green and flowering surfaces is up to no one else but ourselves! We can be inhabitants of a more pleasant and more lively city and improve the city’s microclimate too.
The idea of the competition was born at Szent István University’s Landscape Architecture Faculty, in Béla Rerrich College of Advanced Studies in Landscape Architecture. From 2017 the Közösségi Kertek program of Kortárs Építészeti Központ has taken it on, using the opportunity to carry on ‘going green’.
As a program the Közösségi Kertek does not only turn the empty urban allotments green, but by inspiring the residents, makes the houses go green too, bringing nature closer and improving the city’s microclimate.
With this competition and by sharing interesting tips and ideas daily on Balkon Aranya Facebook site our aim is to bring the joy of gardening and the beautifying of the city more easily available for everyone and also create a more lively and pretty living environment.