Gardeners of our community gardens believe that working in the garden, or simply spending time with observing or chatting equals meditation. As they say, the garden is not only having […]
Our goal is to create and distribute the model of community composting, which would completely abide by the criteria system of social innovation. We are actualizing the pilot project cooperating […]
As part of our approach changing, awareness raising programme we wish to establish the Innopark, which would introduce technological solutions applying alternative energy sources that are relevant on the household […]
In the big cities of Western Europe those community gardens are very popular where there are opportunities to communally look after farm animals, too. Based on the urban farms we […]
It is important for urban people to learn to adapt to climate change, so we are looking for city development equipment and methods that apply renewable energy, and we provide […]
In Budapest most of the balconies are unused, the building facades and window sills are blank and bare. Turning them into green and flowering surfaces is up to no one […]